


  • 学術誌
    • Eguchi K, Mikami K, Yamaguchi N, & Noski, R (2022) Inter-sexual differences in contributions of helpers in a tropical population of the cooperatively breeding Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis. Emu 122: 77-86.
    • Mikami K, Morimoto G, Ueno Y & Eguchi K (2022) Vertical space utilization by urban birds and their relationship to electric poles and wires. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 18:19–30.
    • Timmers R, van Kuijk M, Verweij PA, Ghazoul J, Hautier Y, Laurance WF, Arriaga-Weiss SL, Askins RA, Battisti C, Berg Å, Daily GC, Estades CF, Frank B, Kurosawa R, Pojar RA, Woinarski JCZ & Soons MB (2022) Conservation of birds in fragmented landscapes requires protected areas. Front Ecol Environ: doi:10.1002/fee.2485.
    • 植田睦之・山浦悠一・大澤剛士・葉山政治 (2022) 2種類の全国調査にもとづく繁殖期の森林性鳥類の分布と年平均気温.Bird Research 18: A51-A61
    • 植田睦之・堀田昌伸 (2022) 森林性鳥類のさえずり時期に気温や降水量が与える影響.Bird Research 18: A63-A70